Malaria Day - Go for Zero Challenge


Combating HIV, Malaria etc.

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The theme for World Malaria Day 2023 is “Time to deliver zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement”. In 2021, an estimated 619,000 people globally died of malaria compared to 625,000 in 2020. There was also an increase in the estimated number of new cases of malaria from 245 million in 2020 to 247 million in 2021. How to complete this challenge? 1. Share a fact about Malaria OR 2. Share what is your preferred way to protect yourself from Malaria OR 3. Share pictures, stories, ideas and thoughts about the actions you have taken to prevent the incidence of malaria in your home and in your community. What can you do to eradicate the incidence of malaria? 1. Learn more about Godrej’s EMBED program, our CSR program to eradicate Malaria. 2. Learn about home remedies that can help prevent malaria - Read this article to learn more and share your learning with your colleagues: 3. Combat malaria causing Anopheles Mosquitoes by using Goodnight or similar at home. 4. Audit your community for stagnant water and work with locals to either drain the stagnant water or use biodegradable oils for chemical larviciding. 5. Spread awareness about wearing full sleeve shirts and full-length pants when it is dark outside and the Anopheles Mosquitoes are most active (especially between 10pm and 4am). 6. Share your learnings about the causes and precautions for Malaria with your colleagues. After the COVID-19 crisis, the world is not on track to reach the critical target of the WHO for malaria (2016-2030): reducing global case incidence and mortality by 90 per cent or more by 2030, based on 2015 levels. You can help move the needle by participating in this challenge, learning more about malaria and completing the tasks listed above.

Environment Challenge

Hiral  Mojidra   vs.  Ketan  Rakshe

26 Apr 2023 - 26 May 2023

Minimum number of post:

At least ‘1’ post/s with the same hashtag as this challenge are required in order to complete this challenge.

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For: Employees
Published on: 26 Apr 2023
Joined By: 16 People