Zero Carbon Day Challenge


Climate Crisis

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Join the Zero Carbon Day Challenge by committing to a day dedicated to minimizing your carbon footprint. Share your sustainable choices throughout the day, emphasizing activities like using public transport, consuming local and sustainable products, and reducing energy consumption.

Objective: To raise awareness about individual carbon footprints and inspire others to make conscious choices that contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.


The Theme: Zero Carbon Day

  • Awareness: Spread awareness about the environmental impact of everyday choices by sharing your Zero Carbon Day activities on the SHR platform. Use the hashtag #ZeroCarbonDay to create a collective conversation and inspire a wider audience to participate.
  • Action: Opt for public transport, carpooling, biking, or walking to minimize your carbon footprint, Support local businesses and choose products with minimal environmental impact, Conserve energy by turning off lights, unplugging devices, and minimizing water and electricity usage throughout the day, etc.

Sustainability Challenge

27 Nov 2023 - 02 Dec 2023

Priya Kumari  Singh   vs.  Ritik  Ranjan

Minimum number of posts:

At least ‘1’ post with the same hashtag as this challenge are required in order to complete this challenge.

Reviews (0)

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This project has not been reviewed by our SuperHuman users so far.

Created By: SuperHumanRace
For: Public
Published on: 27 Nov 2023
Joined By: 18 People