
Fort St George, Chennai

vishnu velu

19 Sep 2024

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Culture & Heritage

18 Mar 2022 – 24 Mar 2022

Completed on 19 Sep 2024


Message from vishnu velu on #knowyourroots:

Fort St George, constructed in 1640, is famous for being the first establishment made by the British in India. Built to serve the purpose of a trading post, this fort soon developed into a full-fledged city, divided into two parts: one for the Europeans and other for the dock workers. With time, the British built many iconic structures within the fort, such as the splendid St. Mary’s Church, Wellesley House (a banquet hall), the Fort Museum and a Flag Staff measuring approximately 150 ft. Another noteworthy masterpiece to witness here is the statue of Lord Cornwallis (14.5 ft), which was shipped from Britain and has been installed in the museum. Today, the Archaeological Survey of India takes care of this heritage property and is also used as an Indian Army base.