Global Perspectives on COP 28


Environmental Sustainability

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The opinion poll provides a diverse snapshot of public sentiment regarding COP 28, revealing a spectrum of perspectives from hopeful anticipation to skepticism and indifference. It underscores the importance of public engagement and awareness in shaping the success of global climate initiatives.

This poll aims to capture the multifaceted nature of public opinion, recognizing that the global community's attitudes toward COP 28 are varied and nuanced. The responses highlight the challenges and opportunities associated with garnering widespread support for international efforts to combat climate change.

Which of the following approaches from COP 28 do your thoughts align with?

Reviews (1)

Review 1


Chandan  Kumar Gupta Chandan Kumar Gupta
16 Jan 2024
this is good initiative toward motivation for all to give messages for go green
Optimistic Enthusiasm

Optimistic Enthusiasm

A significant portion of the respondents express optimistic enthusiasm regarding COP 28, believing that it presents a crucial opportunity for nations to unite and address pressing environmental challenges. They view the conference as a pivotal moment for implementing effective policies and fostering global cooperation to combat climate change.

Skepticism and Doubt

Skepticism and Doubt

Another segment of respondents holds a skeptical stance, expressing doubt about the efficacy of COP 28. They question the ability of international forums to bring about real change and raise concerns about potential greenwashing, where governments may prioritize optics over substantial environmental action.

Urgent Call for Ambitious Action

Urgent Call for Ambitious Action

A vocal group within the poll calls for urgent and ambitious action at COP 28, emphasizing the need for stronger commitments, stricter regulations, and innovative solutions to address the escalating climate crisis. They advocate for a sense of urgency and assert that incremental changes are insufficient to tackle the magnitude of environmental threats.

Indifference and Apathy

Indifference and Apathy

A notable percentage of respondents express a degree of indifference towards COP 28, suggesting a disconnect or lack of awareness about the conference. They may feel that global initiatives have minimal impact on their daily lives or that addressing climate change is a responsibility solely for governments and international organizations.

Created By: SuperHumanRace
For: Public
Published on: 19 Sep 2024
Attempted By: 0 People


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