The Green Whisperers Quiz


Clean & Green Energy

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You attempted this Quiz on 01 Sep 2023 and scored 0%



The Green Whisperers: Unleashing the Power of Saving Energy! The Sun-Chaser's Secret: Master the art of opening curtains and blinds during the day to let in the sun and warm your home. With solar-savvy moves, you can save energy as well as energy bill! LED, the Luminous Magician: Enter the world of LEDs and replace conventional bulbs with LEDs. Every time you turn them on, you save energy! The Blanket Warrior: Arm with cozy blankets to combat the chill rather than cranking up the heater. This little energy-saving effort will shield the planet from unnecessary emissions! Energy-Saving Time Travelers: Step into the footsteps of eco-conscious time travel! Travel back to switch off appliances left idle. These creative examples show how saving energy can be a joyful and impactful journey, making a positive difference for our planet and future generations. Let's embrace our inner green innovators and pave the way for a sustainable tomorrow!

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Created By: Tata Power
For: Public
Published on: 14 Mar 2024
Attempted By: 64 People


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